
The Institute for Automation Engineering - IFAT is an institute of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. It combines research and teaching in the fields of modelling, synthesis and control of complex systems, system and control theory as well as device and system technology implementation.

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Automation engineering is a cross-sectional science at the interface of system sciences, natural sciences and engineering sciences. It is an innovation driver and key technology for essential changes in the most diverse areas of daily life. The core idea of automation engineering is the close interlocking of analysis, synthesis and realisation to solve a technical-mathematical problem - competences from these areas are uniquely combined at IFAT in Germany. The issues considered range from process engineering processes, manufacturing plants, for example for automobile or solar cell production, the communications and transport sector, to biological and medical problems.


Chair of Systems Theory and Automatic Control 

The development of practically applicable, theoretically sound methods for the system-theoretical analysis and influencing of dynamic processes are the focus of this research group. The focal points here are:

  • Optimisation-based methods
  • Development of methods for the analysis and control of complex non-linear systems
  • Control and monitoring via communication networks
  • Systems Biology
  • Analysis of medical systems

1. Lehrstuhl


Chair of Automation Engineering/ Modelling - Prof. Achim Kienle

Prof. Achim Kienle's research group at the University and the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg works in the field of process modelling and analysis:

  • Mathematical modelling and model reduction
  • Process design
  • Process control
  • Analysis of biological systems

2. Lehrstuhl


Chair of Integrated Automation - Prof. Christian Diedrich

A whole is more than the sum of its components. The development process of automation engineering systems is the subject of the chair headed by Prof. Christian Diedrich. Focal points are:

  • Device and process control technology
  • Industrial communication
  • Structure and behaviour description
  • Engineering of automation systems

3. Lehrstuhl


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